This question will have crossed many a guy’s mind, especially those who use the services of escorts on a regular basis.
Well we know the answer but first let’s talk about a typical escort (if there is such a thing) and her working day.
Obviously when an escort gets a new booking she has no idea who the guy is or what he looks like. If it is a short one hour booking then she hasn’t really got much time to get to know the guy either. But bear in mind that many girls are just the same as guys as they get excited and enjoy these experiences.
Meeting with a complete stranger and both parties knowing exactly what is going to happen can be an exciting experience for both, don’t for one minute think that girls are different.
Escorts – How To Treat Them Well
Of course there are so many different dates available that an escort may find herself on and the girls at can confirm this having been on many luxurious dates in the past, some great and some not so great as the girls quotes.
There is the guy that we have just mentioned that books for one hour, does the deed, has the fun and they both move on.
But of course also there is the guy that wants much more of an experience and may book an escort for a few hours, if indeed maybe all night. This puts a totally different dynamic to the event as both escort and punter have the opportunity to spend time together and get to know each other.
Put yourself in the mind of an escort for a moment. Consider that you have a new booking and that you are to meet at a trendy bar or restaurant in town.
For sure there may still be an element of nerves or trepidation but the fact is it could be very appealing. Once the two meet then they have the opportunity to talk, have a few drinks and maybe even a meal. Which escort wouldn’t enjoy this we ask.
One the date comes to the sharper end – that is, back to the guys private hotel room there is no reason why the charm offensive shouldn’t continue.
Have a nice bottle of something chilled in the room to continue the relaxed and stress free date. Maybe a little gift or some chocolates for your escort to really put a smile on her face.
The fun and games should be a two way street also. Your escort – who you are now getting to know quite well may well welcome a soft slow and sensual massage from you, and what a lovely change for her to receive some sensual touching for a change.
Start with her feet and hands then progress across your escorts body, you will soon realise that she is enjoying what you are doing to her and many guys get excited by this on its own.
Do Escorts Enjoy Dating Clients?
Well guess what, we know. We have the answers. We, of course talk to escorts on a daily basis and get feedback whether it be good, bad or indifferent. The best feedback that we get is when the guy is charming and attentive. It is not often about his looks or generosity. Much more important to an escort is how the guy treats her and has a level of empathy for her feelings.
Booking an escort may be an occasional treat for many guys but when an escort is booked on a regular basis, someone who treats her well and looks after her feelings will stand out immediately.
It’s not a difficult thing to do, treating your escort with care and respect as well as little treats. The girls do love it and welcome repeat bookings from what became known as their favourites.
Once you establish a relationship with your escort and get to know each other in and out of the bedroom then things can really start to fly. The nerves will go and both of you will look forward to meeting each other time and time again.
So the simple answer, yes the majority of escorts do enjoy their work and seeing guys. And it does not take much to make yourself stand out with these sexy ladies. Bear this in mind next time you book an escort and have more fun.